GUNS N' ROSES Bassist Hopes New Album Will Be Completed This Fall

September 15, 2004

GUNS N' ROSES bassist Tommy Stinson recently told Canada's Chart Attack that the group's long-awaited new album, "Chinese Democracy" is nearing completion. "I would imagine they would start mastering it some time in October, November, somewhere in there," Stinson said. "I just wanted to make sure I got my two cents in so I couldn't look back and go, 'Dudes, what's up?' And they go, 'Dude, where were you? You didn't say anything!' So I got my two cents in on it."

And what was Stinson's two cents?

"My two cents was very much like a cent and a half," he said. "It's like, all the stuff I heard was phenomenal. I didn't get a chance to listen to all of it, because I was pressed for time. But also I wanted to hear the things I hadn't heard yet. Some of the stuff had been done a while ago and hadn't changed much; I didn't really bother with that. But I wanted to hear all the new stuff and I heard about six things that I hadn't heard finished yet, that were really mind-blowing. A few of the songs are pretty epic in length, but that's always been GN'R's thing, hasn't it? I don't think it's a particularly long album, but I think the six I heard are pretty epic. I mean they are just... fucking huge, you know [laughs]. I think pretty much all of us in the band have some songwriting credits on just about everything. The undertaking was pretty much a large collaboration between eight people, even a couple others who aren't around anymore, but maybe started with pieces of the old band or whatever. But yeah, there is probably a lot to go around with that one."

(Thanks: GUNSNROSESonline.DE)

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